by Dr Natasha Wilks | Feb 28, 2019 | High Performance, Mindset, Stress Management, Veterinary Coaching
Margie Warrell has written another great article. She’s discussing imposter syndrome and Dr Sarah Coll, an orthopaedic surgeon, discusses how she deals with self-doubt. No one is born with immunity to self-doubt or fear of failure. In this article Margie...
by Dr Natasha Wilks | Jan 28, 2019 | High Performance, Mindset, Veterinary Coaching, Well-Being
If your normal isn’t making you happy, it needs to change. Look for what engages & excites you What brings you joy?Where you can build the relationships you want & give you meaning & a sense of accomplishment This presentation from Dr Katie Berlin at...
by Dr Natasha Wilks | Aug 16, 2018 | High Performance, Mindset, Well-Being
Let’s talk about Failure.. I’ve been reading a lot of social media posts lately where the poster is very distressed about an adverse outcome on a case. I can read their distress in the post. The self-judgement, the blame, the inner voice saying...