One of the Biggest Frustrations for Veterinarians is their Income
Have you hit the income ceiling? It doesn’t seem to matter how much harder you work, you aren’t being paid any more?
Veterinarians don’t mind working hard. They would like to be appropriately compensated for it.
It doesn’t have to be like this. You can influence your veterinary income.
Do You Know What Determines Your Veterinary Income?
What do most vets focus on when determining their salary? Their experience and skills!
However, there is so much more that needs to be considered.
- Your level of skill
- Your experience
- Your efficiency and ability to manage the day
- Your ability to communicate with clients
- The number of new clients you bring to the practice
- How you fit within the team
- Your value to the practice
- Your turnover
- Your revisit rate and booking of procedures
- The profitability of the practice your work for
- Your ability to negotiate your salary
- Plus many more factors
Focus on increasing your skills in the areas above to increase your income.
Income Accelerator Course
Dr Natasha Wilks is an experienced Veterinarian with over 20 years experience in practice and a coach with over 13 years experience. The Income Accelerator Course was designed to help veterinarians understand what determines their income and how to increase it. Working in many practices, Natasha identify that most practices were missing charges and discounting. Even though it may have only been $20 or $30 per invoice, she realised it the cumulative effect was significant.
By helping veterinarians identify where they commonly discount or miss fees and understand when and why it occurs, Natasha has coached individuals to value their knowledge & skills, improve their communication and charge appropriately to increase their turnover and salary.
There are 3 main areas covered in the course:

1. Core Training
The core training focusses on building confidence, recognising your value to the practice and to clients, communicating effectively, building strong client relationships and being able to discuss fees.
The Income Accelerator program is an 8 Module Video and Audio Training.
Each module contains 1-2 hours of training content + a detailed workbook.

2. Identify Missed Charges
Every day, charges are missed for various reasons. Learn where, when and why this occurs in the 7 different areas of the veterinary hospital.
Each module contains a video and audio training + a workbook to identify where you are missing or discounting charges and fees in practice.

3. Salary Negotiation
There are many veterinarians who are unsure how to negotiate their salary or what they should be renumerated in practice.
In the Income Accelerator program, Natasha will teach you how to position yourself as an asset in your veterinary practice. When you are perceived as a valued team member and an asset to the veterinary practice, you have a stronger negotiating position.
Natasha will give you the skills to negotiate your salary.
You also have contact with Natasha
You have access to Dr Natasha Wilks via:

Audit & Coaching Session
During the program, you will have an individual Income Audit with Natasha and 1 Coaching Session.
Ask Questions Via the Portal
At any time you can ask a question or make a comment below each video in the course portal.
Section 1: Core Training
This is the core training of the Income Acclerator Porgram

Module 1: Personal Insight
To increase your income, you must become aware of what influences how you perceive yourself and why you make decisions. Self-awareness is critical for your career success and income.
Learn how your values, beliefs, thoughts and emotions influence your behaviour and results.
Understand the impact they are having on yourself in practice and what to do to get different results.
Module 2: The Cost of Lost Opportunities
After becoming aware of your mindset about money and veterinary practice, it is essential to identify where the lost opportunities are occurring and what it is costing you.
Your purpose and vision is critical for your professional career as it gives you direction and holds you steady in the tough times.
You will create your income goal and determine what turnover you need to generate to achieve this goal.

Module 3: Your Skills, Strengths & Value
To communicate value to clients, you first must appreciate your skills, strengths and the value you provide in practice.
It is important to be aware of your knowledge, skills and experience and be able to confidently communicate to clients when discussing their pet’s conditions.
Module 4: Confident Communication
Anyone can talk but that doesn’t mean they are communicating effectively. It is important to know the foundations of communication and how you present yourself will impact clients.
By improving your communication, you will find it dramatically changes your effectiveness with clients.

Module 5: Building Strong Client Relationships
The ability to build strong client relationships is the key to any successful business. Strong clients relationships create raving fans who speak positively about you & refer new clients.
Your ability to communicate effective, build rapport with clients and relationships is critical to the success of your career.
Module 6: Consult Room Technique
You may be the most knowledgable and experienced professional but your reputation is built on how you interact with clients in the consultation. Are they listening to you? Do you think you are credible? Are they following your recommendations?
Learn the best way to structure your consults so that clients listen, follow your recommendations, book procedures and leave knowing they made the right decision to see you.

Module 7: Managing Time, Energy & Stress
On the busy days, it’s easy to become derailed and fall back into old habits. To be the most effective in practice, you have to be able to manage your time, energy levels and stress.
The profession is mentally, physically and emotionally taxing. Understand the different types of stress, what your triggers are and how to avoid burnout and compassion fatigue.
Module 8: Salary Negotiation
Now that you value your knowledge and skills, can confidently communicate with clients and discuss fees, increased your turnover, how do you negotiate a salary increase?
Negotiation is a skill that can be learned. Learn how to prepare and position yourself to negotiate an increase in your salary and/or benefits.

2. Identifying The Leaks
Every day charges are missed, undercharged or not charged. It may not seem like much at the time but when it occurs on a daily basis, the cumulative effect is significant. Natasha has estimated that for some vets it could be close to a loss of $100,000 in turnover each year. This is the equivalent of a pay rise of $20,000 that these individuals never received, per year!
You may not believes this applies to you but it is more common than you realise.
By identifying where you may be discounting & missing charges, you can increase your turnover. Employers will look at your production and use your figures as one criteria when evaluating salary increases.
Each week in the 30 minutes – 1 hour video & audio training, Natasha will show you what fees are commonly missed or discounted in each of the following areas.
You will then audit your recent invoices to evaluate for missed or discounted fees.

Don’t let another year pass accepting a low income
You can positively influence your income
The program is designed so that you recognise your strengths and skills, value your knowledge, experience and time, build strong relationships with clients so they follow your recommendations.
Improve your turnover
Negotiate your salary increase

Income Accelerator Program
$1650 AUD
Individual Registration Fee
Instalments available
Practice Owners: Interested in your Veterinary team taking the program?
Contact Natasha directly to register your entire team.
What Recent Participants Are Saying
Don’t just take it from me, let my clients do the talking!
I’m really liking the course and putting many of your points to use.
I’m speaking more confidently in general and about money and I’m explaining what I’m doing when examining an animal.
Overall, the course has really changed how I personally think as well about money.
After I have my requisite CPR upon completion of each Identifying Leaks section, I wonder whether I be unfortunate enough to be revived again for the following week, and have to face the gargantuan haemorrhage from our practice.
Opening each section is like a pandora’s box of pain and grief. And I am not even driven by money, imagine what it must be like for real business owners who pride themselves on their bottomline.
I honestly have to say this course has already changed my attitude, widened my perspective and improved the way I deal with clients.
I have already started seeing a positive feedback from clients after many consultations and I have started enjoying consultations more.
I understand myself more, my clients and my colleagues too.
Thank you so much Natasha for your guidance over the past few years. You have helped me better understand my own motivation for why I approach work situations the way that I do and how this may differ from other staff members point of view.
I gained confidence through our discussions about how to ethically charge clients and still make money. And best of all, your advice helped me negotiate for the pay rise that I always wanted but didn’t know how to ask for.
I found the income accelerator program “valuable” in more than the financial sense. It is a common sense evaluation of the things we do every day and know we could do smarter, but haven’t been taught how.
A lot of it we figure out over the years through trial and error, I wish this is something they taught at University though, as the non-clinical side of our job makes up such a big part of it.
There are better ways to do things that make it easier and you certainly pick up some little gems to help you on your way.
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the program start?
Once you purchase the course, it starts immediately. A new module is released each week.
Please contact Natasha to organise your initial Audit and coaching session.
What is your Guarantee?
Can A Friend and I Share the Course?
Natasha is able to track log in details and IP addresses and will terminate any registration where access to the training has been shared.
How long do I have access to the content?
Do I have personal coaching sessions with Natasha?
Yes. You will have an initial audit with Natasha and 1 Coaching session with Natasha. This must be completed within 4 months of starting the program.
I still have questions
That’s ok. Contact Natasha directly on and she will get back to you within 48 hours. Call Natasha directly on +61 (0)434 836 178.