This is the time of year where my stress levels rise.

To-Do List Everything Dry Erase Board Overworked StressSchool is finishing and there are the final exams for the year.  I am organising the end of year gifts and the many things that come with the final few weeks.  Concerts, parties, classroom clean ups.

The festive season BBQ’s and pool parties start.  Organising vacation care, holiday activities, Christmas shopping for everyone and who is having Christmas day at their place.

It is also the busy season in veterinary practice in Australia.  We have paralysis tick season, itchy dogs & cats, fleas, chocolate toxicity and pancreatitis cases from all those sausages and fatty meals as well as the normal cases.

Everybody is having a good time but we are all starting to fray at the edges!  The countdown is on until holidays start if you are lucky enough to get time off over the Christmas and New Year break..

When you are feeling overwhelmed and your stress levels rising, what should you do?

  1. Become aware of when you are becoming overwhelmed and stressed.
  2. Don’t try and do everything as that is a recipe for disaster.  Don’t overcommit!
  3. Break it down into small jobs.  What is important and has to be done immediately?  What can wait?  What can you delegate to someone else?  What can you drop?
  4. Ask for help.  Yes, you can and should!
  5. R&R – rest and rejuvenation.  Take time out for you, even if it’s 5 – 10 minutes.  Do something that invigorates you and is enjoyable.  This will reduce your stress levels.
  6. Exercise, sleep and eat well.  8 hours sleep, 20 minutes of exercise, eating nutritious food and reducing caffeine and alcohol will reduce your stress levels.
  7. Social Support.  Spending time with friends and family who’s company you enjoy, will reduce your stress levels.
  8. Let go of perfection.  Sometimes good enough, is good enough.
  9. Make sure you take a break. We all need time away from practice.  I know when I find clients frustrating, it’s time for a holiday.


