Do you remember when you were accepted into veterinary science degree? I do! I was so excited to be finally in vet school.

It was my third application so I was so, so happy. I had worked so hard to get there.

As we all know vet school is tough! It’s long hours, a high number of contact hours learning about so many different species and areas.

I loved it and had so much fun!

What did I wish I knew if I could go back? There’s so much I would tell myself.

I was asked to present to the first year UQ vet students at Gatton again this year. While I didn’t want to overwhelm them, I wanted them to take every opportunity offered and to realise it’s a 5 year degree and to work smart and have fun at the same time. I wanted them to know that it’s ok to make mistakes and just get in there and have a go.

In the session I’ll be discussing:
– You are all in this together. There is a lot of collaboration and team work involved. Also, ask for help when you needed.
– Focus on learning and growing, not what you can’t do. You won’t have the skills yet and you will continually learn for the rest of your career.
– We are in the client business. If you chose veterinary science as you don’t like people, there’s going to be a big shock after graduation.
– Recharge and rest. Vet school is exhausting. Take the time to rest. Your brain will thank you.
– Get involved and have fun! What more can I say. I’ve applied for only a handful of jobs in my career. The rest where as a result of who I knew. Start making connections and getting out there.
– Remember your why. In the tough times, remember why you are passionate about this degree and why you wanted to be a veterinarian.

It’s been over 20 years since I graduated and I have so many close friends from university. They are the people I call on when I need help.

What would you tell the students about your time in vet school if you have a chance?

Natasha Wilks
