A sale is just a transaction of a service in return for money.
Everyone is in the sales business.
Some people sell cars, houses, furniture or white goods.
What are we selling? Our knowledge and skills.
Why does it seem challenging? Because a service is intangible.
When you are selling a car or white goods, people have a product to compare and evaluate before they purchase. They can see and touch it. It is tangible.
Have you ever needed to buy a product and when you left you were very satisfied? You felt listened to. You felt understood. You trusted the person. You felt you made the right decision. That is the experience of dealing with a great salesperson.
Most veterinarians are vehemently against sales as they don’t consider themselves ‘salespeople’. What I want you to consider is that you are providing a service in exchange for money so in effect, every consult is a sale.
The issue is with the term ‘salesperson’.
People only remember the terrible experiences they had where they felt pressured and taken advantage of. This negative perception taints their view of ‘salespeople’.
Obviously, you don’t want to be associated with that type of salesperson! So don’t be that type of person. They days are long gone where the client blindly follows your recommendations. Clients are now educated and informed. They want to discuss their pets issues and possible solutions.
The most successful veterinarians listen to their clients, understand the problem and meets the clients needs. They communicate effectively so clients understand.
Learn to listen and become a better communicator and you consultations will change for the better.
I want you become comfortable with the idea of a ‘sale’. It is just a transaction. That’s it.
I wrote an article for VetAnswers regarding your mindset about sales. Read it here.
What will make you stand out in your practice and excel in your career is building the client relationship and communicating effectively, creating a positive experience. This leads to the client feeling valued and listened to. When that occurs, it builds trust and your client is more likely to follow your recommendations. That is when the sale occurs.